Thank You For Your Payment... | Thank you for your payment information. Your card has been authorized, but
has not actually been charged. We do not make the actual charge to your card
until your item is ready to ship. Most items ship within 24 to 72 business hours
after payment has been made. Should there be a significant delay in shipping
(7 days or more), you will be notified right away via email.
Please be sure to add "" to your address
book, so that our email notices do not get caught in your SPAM folder. This
is essential so that you don't miss any important emails regarding your order.
You will be notified by email when your item ships.
Don't forget to download and fax back
our Credit
Card Authorization Form to complete your order, if either of the following applies:
Your order is over $100 and your billing address an
shipping address are not the same;
– or –
Your order is over $300, even if your billing
shipping address are the same.
For all other orders there is no need to complete this step, unless you are contacted by our billing specialists because there is a problem with getting an authorization on your card. Failure to complete this
step may delay your shipping. By doing additional verification on "high risk" transactions, we are able to keep the incidence of fraudulent credit card use on our site to a minimum, which saves us money, and, in turn, enables us to continue offering great products and affordable prices.