As stated in our terms of sale in all of our auction listings,
we cannot accept payment via PayPal from addresses that are NOT confirmed.
This page is to try to explain why many sellers, including our company, will
not accept PayPal payments from buyers with unconfirmed addresses, or from
overseas buyers. Please, please, please, do not be offended. Below we will
try to explain why this practice is becoming more prevalent.
You certainly wouldn't want someone to use your credit card number
and have the item shipped to them instead, a confirmed shipping address simply
assures us that we are shipping the item purchased to the the actual person
that is paying for it, not a third party.
However, we do offer alternate ways to pay, if you don't have
a confirmed address, and don't wish to get one, with PayPal. Click
here for more info.
Why do some US sellers only ship to Confirmed US addresses?
This is a very frequently asked question. If you are a non-US
buyer please be sure to read the bottom of this page also.
I will quote the reason from the Paypal user agreement (Paypal Seller Protection
Plan; Section 3), then we will explain
Confirmed Addresses. PayPal
prompts buyers to provide sellers with a Confirmed Address when making
a purchase. A Confirmed Address is either an address at which a User receives
his or her credit card statements, and is checked by PayPal with the User's
credit card issuer, or an address which PayPal has confirmed through an
Alternate Address Confirmation process, which includes the verification
of other official documents. Confirmed Addresses must be in the name of
the account holder, and thus Gift Addresses in someone else's name can
never be confirmed. Shipping to a
Confirmed Address minimizes the risk of being paid by a fraudulent buyer.
If a buyer does not provide a Confirmed Address, the seller must either
refuse the payment and ask that the buyer provide a Confirmed Address,
or accept the reversal risk in shipping the item outside of this Seller
Protection Policy. Tools for Premier
and Business Accounts to automatically refuse to accept payments where
the buyer chooses not to share his Confirmed Address can be found on the "Preferences" page
of the "Profile"
subtab of the "My Account" tab.
The sentences in red are the key. The bottom line is, if Paypal
confirms the address, Paypal accepts the risk, otherwise the seller accepts
the risk that they may be shipping an item to an unauthorized third party and
may receive a chargeback if the third party was not authorized to use they
PayPal account or credit card for payment. Unfortunately there are quite a
few individuals that are taking advantage of "loopholes" in the PayPal
payment system and sellers just don't want to accept the risk. Paypal or the
buyer's credit card company will give the sellers' money back to these buyers,
even if the seller can prove the item was received. The seller has no control
over this, and potentially they could be out the money and the product.
The whole thing really makes sense if you think about it. Why
should Paypal or the seller accept the risk of an uncontestable chargeback
if the buyer does not want to provide simple proof of where they live? I know
that sounds kind of cold, but please don't take it as insult. It's just the
nature of the beast, so to speak. The internet sales world is a faceless world
which is very easily exploited. Sellers are just trying to be safe, which in
the long run will help everyone.
Alternate Address Confirmation
Most people do not realize that you do not need a credit card
to get a confirmed address. It is certainly easier that way but not necessary. It
takes a few days. You fax them some documents, maybe a phone bill or a utility
bill in your name, then they mail a secret code to the address on the bill.
When you supply them with the code, Paypal will confirm your address. Click
here for more information. You will probably have to sign in first.
Verified versus Confirmed Address
These are not the same thing.
CONFIRMED ADDRESS means that Paypal has confirmed that
you live where you say you live. This is one of the single most important things
in preventing fraud.
VERIFIED means that a bank account has been attached to
your Paypal account.
International Shipments and Confirmed Addresses
A lot of International buyers think that because they have a
Confirmed Address in their country that US sellers can ship to them without
risk. This is not true.
One of these conditions MUST apply for the seller to be
protected under the Seller Protection Policy.
1. The seller is a U.S. or Canadian seller shipping to a U.S. buyer; or
2. The seller is a U.K. seller shipping to a U.S. or U.K. buyer.
This means that no shipment outside of the US from a US seller
is covered under Paypal's Seller Protection Policy. Therefore we can only ship
to U.S. buyers.
So please do not be offended if a seller refunds your payment
because of an unconfirmed address or because you are an International buyer.
It is not personal. They are merely protecting themselves. It is very simple
to confirm your address and it will make your buying experiences online much
more pleasant.
What a Pain in the @$$!
We know it's a pain not to be able to ship to an alternate address,
but please understand that as a seller we are taking a risk in doing this.
More and more online retailers are disallowing shipping to addresses that don't
match the credit card billing address, due to high rates of fraud. While, obviously,
the majority of online customers are perfectly honest people, it's the one
bad apple that ruins it for everyone.
When a retailer ships to an alternate address, they are taking
the chance that they are dealing with a stolen or unauthorized use of a credit
card. For example, what if someone got a hold of your credit card number and
used it to purchase items online, then have them shipped to their address (which
would of course be different than your billing address)? You can always do
a chargeback on the product amount with your credit card company, once you
discover someone else has used it to purchase items, but we, as the seller,
are then liable for returning the money back to your card, we are out the product
(since the "fraudster" now has it), AND we are liable
for chargeback fees. We really got the short end of the stick here,
huh? Online fraud costs retailers billions of dollars every year.
Online sales are much riskier than standard store sales, since
with a store sale the card is "present" and it can be reviewed and
the signature can be verified by a cashier. We don't physically get to see
the credit card being used, to make sure it is possession of the person using
it, that the signatures match, etc. But, because we realize that some customers
do need to have items shipped to alternate addresses, whether it be a work
address or for a gift for someone else, we offer several other ways you can
So, how do I pay then?
Because we realize that many buyers may have reasons for not
having a confirmed address (perhaps they want the item shipped to their work
address, rather than their home address, they have recently moved, or their
billing address is a PO Box and the item must ship to a physical address),
we do offer alternate ways to pay for your auction items.
VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover
We will accept payments using any of the four major credit cards
via our Credit Card Authorization Form. This form allows us
to have your signature on file and verify that you are indeed the holder of
the card being used, and gives us permission to ship to an alternate address
per your request. By completing and faxing the form back to us, along with
a legible copy of the credit card being used (both front and back), you are
giving us permission in writing to bill your card and ship to your address
of choice.
We MUST have a copy of the card (1) to verify
that it is in your name and in your possession; and (2) to verify the signature
on the back of the card matches the signature on the Credit Card Authorization
Form (we must be able to clearly read the signature on the card, so feel free
to blow the card up on a copy machine before faxing).
> Download
Credit Card Authorization Form
This payment method is only available for US credit cards. Our
merchant processor does not allow us to accept international cards.
US Money Orders
We will also accept US money orders made payment to "Manage
My Printing" and sent to the following address:
Manage My Printing
1626 Toledo Avenue
Deltona, FL 32725
All auction wins must be paid for within 7 days of close of auction.
If you are sending a money order simply drop us an email and let us know and
we will mark your account that it is on the way. We realize it may take a bit
longer than 7 days to arrive.
If you are bidder from another country, we are actually surprised
you were able to bid at all, as our eBay settings are set to accept US payments
only, so a US Postal Money Order (in US funds) is your only payment option
(unless you want to send US cash, at your own risk). Keep in mind all shipping
shown in our ads is for US addresses only, so your item must either ship to
a US address, or you must obtain a custom shipping quote from us, prior to
sending us your money order, so that the payment is for the correct amount.
We actually encourage out of US buyers to obtain that shipping quote BEFORE they
bid or win an item, so they know what the pricing is going to be ahead of time.